Japhet School

National School of Character

Preschool - 8th Grade

Preschool - 8th Grade

Grandparents of Japhet School Plus (GJS+)

We have a very loyal and growing group of supportive grandparents! The GJS+ is a group of grandparents and “volunteer grandparents” who meet to fulfill one goal: to improve the quality of education for all Japhet schoolchildren.

Annual dues are just $25, and the GJS+ meets monthly through February to plan their family fun night and fundraiser. Their event, Dance for Japhet, is a well attended event that features student-designed ice cream, several crafts, an auction, and a family dance. The funds raised supply financing for two merit scholarships, and they fulfull teachers’ wish lists for their classrooms!

During meetings GJS+ members visit with one another and with the Head of School, who joins in. New members are always welcome, and living near Japhet School is not required. Meeting attendance is optional.

Join the GJS by returning this flier:
GJS Membership Form

J is for the joy of discovery and learning
A is for the achievement of worthwhile goals.
P is for the parents who love and support us.
H is for the help we give to one another.
E is for the ethics in our work and play.
T is for the teachers who widen our horizons.
Put them all together and they spell JAPHET!

— Hildred McCurties, Japhet grandparent

Interested in learning more about enrolling your child in Japhet School?

Admissions Inquiry

Our Mission

Japhet School's mission is to nurture and prepare each child for life by integrating character education with a strong academic program.

© Japhet School 2025