March 16, 2020
Gratitude to all parents and caregivers in assisting children today so they could go to school today. Please make sure that books are brought to class. On Tuesday, March 17th, I will be teaching math to students, and on Wednesday I will be teaching reading. This will enable us to have more time for each lesson. Thank you for being flexible in this new adventure for all of us.
March 13, 2020
Dear parents,
Given the current circumstances regarding health and wellness at our school, it is necessary to enforce some social distancing for the general well-being of our community. As I’m sure you’re aware, this is a new process for all of us. Some of the measures we are taking to support distance learning for our students have not been tried in practice before. We may have a period of adjustment that proves challenging. I hope that we can work in partnership to make this experience as smooth as possible for you and your child, so they can continue feeding their curiosity and still learning new things each day.
To that end, at the beginning of each week I will be in contact with you regarding a general schedule for that week. The schedule will include times that I will be online teaching lessons in Google Hangouts/Meet, and the times that I will be available each day for questions and support. Students will need to log into their account to communicate with me via email or Hangout. (See my direct email to you with login information.) Please feel free to text me any questions you may have.
I would like to keep things running the way it was done in class. I will meet with groups for both math and reading to give instruction and then give assignments. Also, there will be times when all students will be invited at the same time to Hangout and we will cover other subjects. I sent home a blue/purple folder with work in it. Take a minute to go through it and see what’s in it. There are 4 weeks of spelling packets along with activities to do with their words. There is also a packet that covers miscellaneous subjects that can be worked on each day, along with some comprehension stories. I’m reading Castle in the Attic to the class (which I forgot at school) but if I can get a copy I’ll read to them at times. All work done during this time we are off will be turned in when we return to class. I’m looking forward to this new endeavor with you and your child.
Remember: I will be available on school days to assist you with assisting your child. The goal is to keep your child learning as much as possible.
(Login information deleted from this online version of the teacher’s letter. See original email from Mrs. Andersen if needed.)
Again, please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have going forward. I will be in contact with you both to work with your child, and to continually assign work for your child. Any and all school updates will come to you from the Head of School.
Thank you, and let’s all be sure to be patient and gracious with one another during this challenging time!
Janet Andersen
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