Japhet School

National School of Character

Preschool - 8th Grade

Preschool - 8th Grade

Financial Assistance and Scholarship

Japhet School offers several different opportunities for tuition assistance on an annual basis. Financial assistance refers to need-based awards that reduce the tuition paid by a family. To apply for these funds, families must submit their Application for Enrollment along with the nonrefundable $25.00 application fee, and they must obtain financial assistance forms from the Admissions Director. Japhet documents and processes its financial assistance requests through the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS), a third-party provider for independent schools. Applications may be made in writing or completed online. The online application results in faster processing and reporting to Japhet School. A second short application, which provides the school with a summary of how and when the SSS application was submitted, is also submitted to the Director of Admissions, Robin Pospisil. This piece also provides an opportunity for families to tell the school how much financial assistance they are requesting as well as to explain any extenuating circumstances that affect their financial picture beyond the numerical information provided to the SSS. Families will be notified of the school’s decision and award in writing in early June.


The Cathy & Joe Mohan Lasting Legacy Scholarship is available to support returning students who express outstanding character and have a need for financial support that is greater than financial assistance can fill. This scholarship is renewable each year if the funds are available, if the candidate has financial need above what the school can provide, and if the candidate continues to demonstrate growth in character. This scholarship is awarded at the discretion of the Head of School.

Japhet School also offers Competitive Merit Scholarships for both need-based and merit-based candidates — new students and returning students. New students must complete the Application for Enrollment with Scholarship (one form) and the nonrefundable $25.00 application fee in order to write for these scholarships. Japhet School is currently offering the following Competitive Merit Scholarships that do not affect the family’s opportunity to also apply for Financial Aid. These scholarships are available to families who are new to Japhet School. Additional scholarships, listed farther down, also are available for returning students.

Merit Scholarships for New Students

The Marjorie Hale Merit Scholarship, 1st-8th — $1,000 to $3,000
The Winnie Buelow Merit Scholarship, 1st-8th — $1,000 to $3,000
The Henry Buelow Merit Scholarship, 1st-8th — $1,000 to $3,000

1. Apply. Download Application for Enrollment circle “…will seek a merit scholarship” on the second page, and

Mail, fax, e-mail or deliver to:
Scholarship Committee
Japhet School
839 S. Crooks Rd.
Clawson, MI 48017
FAX: 248 585-2040
E-MAIL: robin.pospisil@japhetschool.org
PHONE: 248-585-9150

2. Submit a parent/guardian essay telling us in 250 words or fewer why your child should be considered for this opportunity.

3. Download Academic Information Request, give to your child’s current school, and ensure all required records are sent to Japhet School.

All pre-evaluation materials (application, parent essay, and school records) must be received by May 1, 2022.

4. Participate in a student evaluation session. Our admissions team will evaluate the student based on his or her academic competency and personal interview, to be scheduled in-person or virtually at the school’s discretion. The appointment will require approximately 60-90 minutes.

The scholarship funds are not available as cash and may only be applied to Japhet tuition. If a scholarship honoree does not complete the school year, the scholarship award is forfeited. Scholarship awards will be announced by early June.

Merit Scholarships for Current Students

as a PDF: Tuition Assistance Opportunities for Current Students
Janece Groener Visual Arts Award – $500 – entering 2nd-4th
Janece Groener Visual Arts Award – $500 – entering 5th-8th

Mrs. Groener, a former librarian at Japhet School, attended Parsons School of Design in New York and was an accomplished oil painter, quilter, seamstress, and floral designer. Kerri and Mark Vizena sponsor this scholarship award to honor Kerri’s very talented mother who demonstrated the importance of the arts in everyday life. Students who apply for this award will submit, prior to the scholarship application deadline, a work entirely of their own creation in art class or outside of Japhet School. During scholarship writing day, they will write a short essay related to the visual arts. Letters of recommendation should speak to the student’s awareness of the value of art, passion for artistic expression, and expression of character qualities.

Barbara Droege Citizenship Award – $1,000 – entering 2nd-8th
Arline M. Auten-Hartman Citizenship Award – $1,000 – entering 2nd-8th

These awards seek to honor students who have demonstrated exemplary citizenship and are committed to honesty, respect for others, community service and honoring our country. This award is available to students who have received a high evaluation in citizenship on report cards and who have demonstrated initiative and industry to improve our school, community and/or the world. Letters of recommendation should speak to the student’s exemplary citizenship and expression of honesty, respect for others, initiative, industry, community service and honor of country.

Grandparents of Japhet School Merit Award – $500 – entering 2nd-4th
Grandparents of Japhet School Merit Award – $500 – entering 5th-8th

The Grandparents of Japhet School Merit Awards seek to honor two students who express good character in their day-to-day lives. Each of the two awards will be given to a student who has received a high evaluation in citizenship on report cards, and who has demonstrated a caring attitude. Letters of recommendation should speak to the student’s exemplary citizenship and expression of compassion, respect for others, and good judgment.

Japhet School Leadership Grant – $1,500 – entering 2nd-8th

This tuition grant recognizes a Japhet student who expresses exemplary leadership in and out of school. Letters of recommendation should speak to the student’s expression of positive leadership. In addition, the student candidate also must write a reflection about their involvement in community service and turn it in with the scholarship application.

Arlene & Addison Brown Legacy Mathematics Award – $1,000 – entering 2nd-8th

This legacy award is for students who have received a high evaluation in citizenship and character qualities. Mrs. Brown served on Japhet’s Board of Trustees, and Mr. Brown is an accountant who worked as Japhet’s Business Manager. Students who apply for this award will write a short paragraph and also solve mathematical problems appropriate for their math level. Letters of recommendation should speak to how the student has internalized Japhet’s character qualities and uses them for guiding decisions.

Chase Dobbs Alumnus Science Grant – $1,000 – entering 2nd-4th
Chase Dobbs Alumnus Science Grant – $1,000 – entering 5th-8th

These scholarships are for two students who can explain the importance of character to science. Japhet alumnus Chase Dobbs J’11 and his mother, Caryn Rainey, provide these scholarships in gratitude for the strong start Chase received at Japhet. Candidates must carry an S+ or B average or better in science for the school year. They will write a short essay on a topic involving science. Letters of recommendation should speak to the student’s use of good judgment in decision making and their curiosity and desire to learn about the world around them.

Robert Andreasen Merit Scholarship – $1,000 – entering 5th-8th

The Robert Andreasen Merit Scholarship is for current Japhet School students who are committed to academic excellence, character, and exemplary citizenship. Students must have been on the honor roll for two out of the three marking periods in the current school year to apply. The sponsors of the Robert Andreasen Merit Scholarship will anonymously judge the required essay. Letters of recommendation should speak to the student’s expression of character and citizenship.

Ruth Joy Outland Citizenship Award – $1,000 – entering 6th-8th

The world needs citizens who are committed to personal excellence, expressed in honesty, truthfulness, responsibility, respectfulness, cheerfulness, empathy, tolerance, and kindness, both as leaders and followers.  Japhet School teaches its students how to be citizens of such value — now and in their future life.  The Ruth Joy Outland Citizenship Award seeks to honor that student who has demonstrated exemplary citizenship. Citizenship marks for the first three marking periods in the current school year must be all “Excellent.” Letters of recommendation should speak to the student’s commitment to personal excellence, honesty, truthfulness, responsibility, respectfulness, cheerfulness, empathy, tolerance, and kindness.

How to apply for a merit scholarship (current students):

Applicants should first submit a Scholarship Application for Current Students.

1. Letters from two individuals: one from a Japhet teacher, and the other from a person who is not a parent/guardian must be submitted by 4 PM on April 8, 2024. (Click here for a Letter About Scholarship Candidate.)

2. Re-enrollment Contract and deposit must be completed and submitted for the 2024/2025 school year.

3. Participate in a student evaluation session. Our admissions team will evaluate the student based on his or her academic competency and personal interview to be scheduled either in-person or virtually at the school’s discretion.

The scholarship awards will be announced at Japhet’s Awards Ceremony in June. Each scholarship will be credited to the recipient’s 2024/2024 tuition payment, and is not available in cash. If a scholarship honoree does not complete the school year, the scholarship award is forfeited.

Interested in learning more about enrolling your child in Japhet School?

Admissions Inquiry

Our Mission

Japhet School's mission is to nurture and prepare each child for life by integrating character education with a strong academic program.

© Japhet School 2025