With a strong foundation of oral communication and leadership skills, Japhet alumni move on to successful high school and college careers, whether it be embracing a leadership position on an athletic team, tutoring their peers through NHS, participating in clubs, or simply taking the initiative to start a study group.
“Inevitably you will be put into situations when people will want you to do something you know is not right. You will have the strength to stand up for what you believe because Japhet is there in your heart.”
— Japhet alumna
Visit a special event at Japhet, and you’ll see many Japhet alumni in attendance! They return to Japhet to help with events such as Social Studies Fair, Spring Sharing Gala, Science Extravaganza, Graduation, and to spend a day in service at a place they call “home.” Guests enjoy interacting with our alumni and hearing how their Japhet education prepared them for high school, college, and beyond.
Alumni participated in Japhet’s Strategic Plan and have helped implement action steps that bring us growth! We are grateful for the fresh voice and experience they provide us.
Alumni attend Japhet events and serve as speakers for fundraising events. Every graduation features an alumni speaker. Many of our alumni are fans of Japhet School on Facebook, and have joined the Japhet School “Cause” on Facebook.
Are you Japhet alumni? Update your information here!
For more information about our alumni, visit Alumni Fast Facts.
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